About Us 2018-02-13T17:46:26+00:00

Being Delightful is a choice.

Specifically, it is three choices that we all make every day that make a world of difference in our overall well being. Two of these choices are well known: diet and exercise. What should I have to eat today? Do I feel like exercising today? The third choice may be less obvious but no less important. Did I get enough Vitamin D today?

For the most part Vitamin D levels depend upon our exposure of bare skin to the sun. Our bodies make Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) when our bare skin is exposed to the sun at appropriate wavelengths (290-320 nanometers). Vitamin D is actually not a vitamin but a steroid hormone that can be used by virtually all cell types in our bodies meaning that our bodies are made to be exposed to the sun and benefit from it. There are mechanisms and receptors in place for Vitamin D in our bodies but many of us have blood levels that are too low to realize these benefits. Up to 70%  of adult whites and up to 95% of adult African Americans have Vitamin D levels that are below where they need to be to provide health benefits.

Why? What’s the problem?

  1. We have been conditioned that direct exposure to the sun is not healthy. It is healthy! It’s Vital! (in small amounts). Over exposure to the sun is not healthy and can and will cause sun damage including skin cancer. Ten to fifteen minutes of appropriate sun exposure on bare skin a few times per week is all that is required to boost Vitamin D levels sufficiently in most people. Any skin exposed to the sun for longer than fifteen minutes should be covered by protective clothing or sun block. SOME SUN = GOOD; TOO MUCH SUN = BAD.
  2. Those of us living above 37 degrees latitude (North of North Carolina) in the United States might only get Vitamin D quality sun when it is at its peak during the summer months. Cloud cover, pollution, and modern living conditions make it more difficult to get enough Vitamin D from the sun alone.
  3. Vitamin D is naturally available in some foods: oily fish (salmon, mackerel, tuna) and mushrooms are our most likely sources. Some foods in our diet have Vitamin D added (fortified): some orange juice, milk and cereal.

Given these three issues, It makes complete sense that most of us are low in Vitamin D. That being said, we do have options for getting more Vitamin D in our lives.

  1. 10-15 minutes of direct, bare-skin exposure to sunlight at a wavelength of 290-320 nanometers. For those of us in the northern United States that means mid-day during the summer months.
  2. Eat foods naturally containing Vitamin D (salmon, mackerel, tuna, mushrooms).
  3. Use oral Vitamin D supplements, topical Vitamin D supplements and consume Vitamin D-fortified foods.

Sunshine Sourdough Bakery has begun baking Vitamin D fortified bread products as an option for maintaining appropriate Vitamin D levels. The health benefits of Sunshine Sourdough products include:

Vitamin D: The “sunshine vitamin” promotes calcium and phosphorus absorption for healthy bones and teeth among other benefits.
Sourdough Process: This process provides probiotic health benefits and results in a bread that is easier to digest, has a lower glycemic index and tastes great.
Whole Grains: Whole grains are a heart healthy choice and are packed with nutrients including protein, fiber and B vitamins.

Vitamin D Fortified Whole Grain Rich Sourdough Bread.